30 days to the job you love - Day 18

With 200,000+ tech layoffs in 2023 and more being let go in early 2024, it is easy to get discouraged. Personally, I have many friends who were and are affected. For those whom I worked with, I am grateful that our paths crossed.

For 30 days, I will post a tip each day to encourage you and give you some suggestions on how to stay motivated during your job search.

Day 18

Losing a job can be an incredibly disorienting experience because it disrupts the structure and routine that once defined our daily lives. For those who held high-level positions, the transition can be even more difficult. Going from managing an endless to-do list and putting out daily fires, to having nothing that requires immediate attention can be a shock to the system. During this time, it is crucial to establish structure and routine because they provide a sense of stability, predictability, and control over our lives.

Using a daily agenda after experiencing job loss offers numerous benefits. Firstly, it helps you stay focused and motivated. Secondly, it allows you to track your progress and celebrate small victories, boosting your self-confidence and sense of accomplishment.

Here are a few suggestions of what to put on your daily agenda:

  1. Schedule at least an hour for self-care. Take care of your physical, mental, and emotional well-being. I usually meditate 20 minutes after waking up, and then 10 minutes before bed, followed by writing down my gratitude for the day. And don't forget about exercise! While financial uncertainty may make you consider canceling your gym membership, now is the time to prioritize your health and well-being. Qigong Meditation is a great YouTube channel that incorporates exercises and meditation together. youtube.com/c/QigongMeditation
  2. Read positive nourishing books for 2 hours daily. Positive books often contain uplifting stories, inspiring characters, and motivational messages, which help improve our mood, promote healthy mindset, build resilience, and cultivate optimism.
  3. Dedicate 2 to 4 hours to job search activity. Having a specific time to work on job search activities is much better than doing it around the clock because we can give it the full focus and attention it requires.
  4. Prioritize spending time with family, such as going for a walk with your kids, attending their recitals and after-school activities. Connect with friends, extended families, and other support systems. Having a strong support network can provide encouragement, advice, and emotional support during this challenging time.
  5. Spend some time on personal projects or volunteer at a local charity: Consider working on personal projects or hobbies that you may have neglected while working full-time, or volunteer at a local charity such as the food bank, churches, or shelters. Not only can this be fulfilling, but it can also provide a creative outlet and possibly lead to new opportunities or connections.

Remember to use a scheduling tool to put in the exact time for the activities above. The free Google Calendar works fine, and it even has a Todo list for things outside the normal routine.

As John C. Maxwell, the leadership guru, said: “the secret of your success is determined by your daily agenda.” Let’s create a daily agenda to stay positive and achieve success during this transition.

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