30 days to the job you love - Day 17

With 200,000+ tech layoffs in 2023 and more being let go in early 2024, it is easy to get discouraged. Personally, I have many friends who were and are affected. For those whom I worked with, I am grateful that our paths crossed.

For 30 days, I will post a tip each day to encourage you and give you some suggestions on how to stay motivated during your job search.

Day 17

Every year, I choose one word to focus on. This word serves as a reminder for me to work on and prioritize throughout the challenges of daily life. It is like a New Year's resolution, but simpler and easier to remember. This practice has greatly helped me over the years. Whenever I face challenges, fear, or discouragement, I hold onto this one word. It has consistently guided me through difficult moments and aided me in making the right decisions. In the past, my chosen words were "courage," "positivity," "grace," and "faith." This year, my word is in Vietnamese, "Xa~," which translates to "Let go."

In Vietnamese language, the phrase "Hy? Xa~" usually went together, but I never gave much thought to it. However, during a recent meditation retreat, I realized its true meaning. “Hy?” means Joy, and “Xa~” means “Let go.” In order to experience joy, we must let go. We must release the things, people, and emotions that do not serve us, in order to make room for Joy.

When we lose our job, it is normal to experience a variety of negative emotions such as anger, sadness, fear, and disappointment. These emotions are a natural response to the loss we have experienced. Letting go of negative emotions is crucial for our overall well-being and happiness. Holding onto anger, resentment, or sadness can prevent us from embracing new opportunities and finding joy in our lives. When our mind is preoccupied with anger, hatred, and regret, it no longer has the capacity to think creatively, feel hopeful and make space for new positive experiences.

Although losing a job can be a challenging and emotionally draining experience, it can also be an opportunity for personal growth and transformation. By letting go of negative emotions, developing a positive mindset, practicing self-care, seeking support, and embracing new opportunities, we can find joy and fulfillment in our lives once again. It is essential to remember that losing a job does not define us, but how we choose to move forward and thrive in the face of adversity does.

Life is short, and it is up to you to make the most of it. Don’t waste more time thinking about the past that is no longer within our control. As Kobe Bryant said, “The Biggest Mistake We Make In Our Life Is Thinking We Have Time.” Let go of negativity, embrace the possibilities, and create a future filled with happiness and fulfillment.

"Most of us walk without chains, yet we aren't free. We're tethered to regret and sorrow from the past. We return to the past and continue to suffer. The past is a prison. But now you have the key to unlock the door and arrive in the present moment. You breathe in, you bring your mind home to your body, you make a step, and you arrive in the here and the now." - Thich Nhat Hanh, "How to Walk".

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